Wednesday, March 28, 2018

GST Invoice Customization with eWay Bill No. in A4 size ( Free Tally TDL Code)

As we all know that new Financial year is going to being lot of us might be thinking of changing the impression on customer's by changing the invoice format. And as eWay Bill is going to get implemented from 1st of April 2018. here is the new invoice format with eWay Bill no. printed on it.

If you liked the format please find the below TDL code of the same. NOTE :- Please take the backup before attaching any code to your live data. This code is only for educational purpose we will not be responsible for any data lost due to improper following of instructions.

To know how to attache any tdl to Tally please follow the instruction in below Link.
How to Attach any Tally.ERP9 Customization to Tally.ERP9 Software so that you can easily attach this code to your Tally.ERP9 software.

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Font Used in Invoice Customization;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Font:Calibri (Body)

Bold: Yes

Font: Adobe Garamond Pro Bold
Bold: Yes

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Invoice Customization Code Starts;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
[#Part: VTYP BehaviourMain]
Option : OTS Vch Type Confirmation: @@IsOTSInv

[!Part : OTS Vch Type Confirmation]
Add : Line : After : VTYP PrintSave :OTS Confirm Vch Type
[Line : OTS Confirm Vch Type]
Field : Long Prompt, Logical Field
Local : Field : Long Prompt : Set as : "Print Customized Format?"
Local : Field : Long Prompt : Width : @@LongWidth
Local : Field : Logical Field : Storage : OTSCustomizedFormat

[System : Formula]
IsOTSInv : $$IsSales:$Parent
IsOTSCustomFormat : $OTSCustomizedFormat:VoucherType:$VoucherTypeName

[System : UDF]
OTSCustomizedFormat : Logical : 0001

[#Form : Sales Color]
Option: OTS Customized Invoice: @@IsOTSCustomFormat

[!Form:OTS Customized Invoice]
Delete : Print
Add : Print : OTS Custom Invoice

[Report :OTS Custom Invoice]
Use          : Printed Invoice
Delete: Form        : Printed Invoice
Form : OTS Custom Invoice

[Form:OTS Custom Invoice]
Space Top   : 0.25 inch
    Space Right : 0.25 inch
    Space Left  : 0.50 inch
    Space Bottom: 0.25 inch

Part: OTS Opening Page Break, OTS Invoice Body
Bottom Part:OTS Bottom Part

Page Break : OTS Closing Page Break, OTS Opening Page Break

[Part:OTS Closing Page Break]
Lines :OTS Closing Page Break Line

[Line: OTS Closing Page Break Line]
Fields : Simple Field
Local : Field: Simple Field : Set As : "Continued..."
Local : Field: Simple Field : FullWidth : Yes
Local : Field: Simple Field : Align : Right
Border : Full Thin Top

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;OTS Opening Page Break;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

[Part:OTS Opening Page Break]
Part: OTS Invoice Title, OTS Invoice Company Details, OTS Invoice Customer Details, OTS Body Coloumns Title
Vertical: Yes

[Part: OTS Invoice Title]
Line: OTS Invoice Title
Border: Thick Cover

[Line:OTS Invoice Title]
Field: Simple Field
Right Field:Name Field
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: "TAX INVOICE"
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style: O9B
Local: Field: Simple Field: Space Left: 45
Local: Field: Simple Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as:If @@GetCopyNum = 1 Then "ORIGINAL FOR RECIPIENT" Else +
    If @@GetCopyNum = 2 Then $$LocaleString:"DUPLICATE FOR SUPPLIER" Else +
      If @@GetCopyNum = 3 Then $$LocaleString:"TRIPLICATE FOR TRANSPOTER" Else +
      If @@GetCopyNum = 4 Then $$LocaleString:"EXTRA COPY" Else $$LocaleString:"EXTRA COPY"
Space Top: 0.25
Space Bottom: 0.25

[Part:OTS Invoice Company Details]
Line: OTS Company Name, OTS Company Address
Border: Thick Cover

[Line: OTS Company Name]
Field: Name Field
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: @@CmpMailName
Local: Field: Name Field: Style:O11B
Local: Field: Name Field: Full Width: Yes
Space Top: 0.25

[Line:OTS Company Address]
Field: Name Field
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: $$FullList:CompanyAddress:$Address
Local: Field: Name Field: Width:50% Page
Local: Field: Name Field: Style:O9
Local: Field: Name Field: Line:0

[Part:OTS Invoice Customer Details]
Left Part: OTS Customer Details Left
Right Part: OTS Invoice Details
Border: Thick Cover

[Part:OTS Customer Details Left]
Line: OTS Customer Side Title,OTS Customer Name, OTS Customer Address,OTS Customer State Name, OTS Customer GST No, OTS Customer Contact
Width:50% Page

[Line:OTS Customer Side Title]
Field: Name Field
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: "Details for Buyer (Billed & Shipped To )"
Local: Field: Name Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Name Field: Style:O9B
Space Top: 0.50
[Line:OTS Customer Name]
Field: Name Field
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: $PartyLedgerName;@@BuyerName
Local: Field: Name Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Name Field: Stylep:O9B
Space Top:0.25

[Line:OTS Customer Address]
Field: Name Field
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: $$FullList:BasicBuyerAddress:$BasicBuyerAddress
Local: Field: Name Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Name Field: Line: 0
Local: Field: Name Field: Style:O9

[Line:OTS Customer State Name]
Field: Simple Field
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: "State Name"+"  :  "+ $StateName +"  "+ "Code :"+"  "+ $$getgststatecode:@StateName
Local: Field: Simple Field: Local Formula:StateName : If NOT ($$IsEmpty:$StateName OR $$IsSysName:NotApplicable:$StateName) Then $StateName Else $LedStateName:Ledger:@PartyName
Local: Field: Simple Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style: O9

[Line:OTS Customer GST No]
Field: Simple Field
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: "GSTIN No : " +"  "+ $PartyGSTIN +"  "+" PAN No :"+"  "+$IncomeTaxNumber:Ledger:$BasicBuyerName
Local: Field: Simple Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style: O9

[Line:OTS Customer Contact]
Field: Simple Field
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: "Contact Details :"+"  "+ @@VchContactNo
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style: O9
Local: Field: Simple Field: Full Width: Yes

[Part:OTS Invoice Details]
Line:OTS Invoice Number Date, OTS Delivery Challanno Date, OTS eWayBillNo, OTS Disptach Doc, OTS Destination, OTS LR No, OTS Order No, OTS Credit Days
Border: Thick Left
Common Border: Yes

[Line:OTS Invoice Number Date]
Field: Simple Prompt, Simple Field, Medium Prompt, Name Field
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Set as: "Invoice No :"
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Style: O9
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Width:10
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: $VoucherNumber
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style:O9B
Local: Field: Simple Field: Width:12
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as: "Date :"
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Width:10
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Style: O9
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Border: Thick Left
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: $Date
Local: Field: Name Field: Style:O9B
Local: Field: Name Field: Width:12
Space Top:0.25
Space Bottom: 0.25
Border: Thick Bottom

[Line:OTS Delivery Challanno Date]
Use:OTS Invoice Number Date
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Set as: "Challan No"
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Style:O9
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: $BasicShipDeliveryNote
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style: O9B
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as: "Date"
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Style: O9
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: $BasicShippingDate

[Line:OTS eWayBillNo]
Use:OTS Invoice Number Date
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Set as: "e-Way Bill No."

Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: If @@IsGSTewayApplicable Then @@GSTPrinteWayBillNumber Else +
If $$IsEmpty:$VATTransBillNo Then $UDFVATWayBillNo Else $VATTransBillNo

Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as: "Date"

Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: $Date

[Line:OTS Disptach Doc]
Use:OTS Invoice Number Date
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Set as: "Dispatch Doc No"
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: $BasicShipDocumentNo
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as: "Destination"
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: $BasicFinalDestination;$BasicShippedBy

[Line:OTS Destination]
Use:OTS Invoice Number Date
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Set as: "Through"
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: $BasicShippedBy
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as: "Vehical No"
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: $BasicShipVesselNo

[Line:OTS LR No]
Use:OTS Invoice Number Date
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Set as: "LR No"
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: $BillofLadingNo
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as: "Date"
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: $BillofLadingDate

[Line:OTS Order No]
Use:OTS Invoice Number Date
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Set as: "Order No"
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: $BasicPurchaseOrderNo
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as: "Date"
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: $BasicOrderDate

[Line:OTS Credit Days]
Field: Simple Prompt, Simple Field
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Set as: "Credit Days"
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Width: 10
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as:$BasicDueDateOfPymt
Local: Field: Simple Field: Width: 10
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Style:O9B
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style:O9B

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;INVOICE BODY STARTS;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
[Part:OTS Body Coloumns Title]
Line: OTS Coloumns Title1, OTS Coloumns Title2
Border: Thick Cover
Common Border: Yes

[Line: OTS Coloumns Title1]
Use: OTS Invoice Body
Local: Field: Default: Type: String
Local: Field: Default: Style: O9B
Local: Field: Default: Align: Center

Local: Field: OTS SrNo: Set as: "Sr"
Local: Field: OTS Description:Set as:" Item "
Local: Field: OTS HSN Code: Set as:"HSN"
Local: Field: OTS GST Per: Set as:"GST"
Local: Field: OTS Qty: Set as:"Qty"
Local: Field: OTS Rate: Set as:"Rate"
Local: Field: OTS SGST Per: Set as:"SGST"
Local: Field: OTS SGST Amt: Set as:"SGST"
Local: Field: OTS CGST per: Set as:"CGST"
Local: Field: OTS CGST Amt: Set as:"CGST"
Local: Field: OTS IGST Per: Set as:"ISGT"
Local: Field: OTS IGST Amt: Set as:"IGST"
Local: Field: OTS GrossAmt: Set as:"Gross"

[Line:OTS Coloumns Title2]
Use: OTS Invoice Body
Local: Field: Default: Type: String
Local: Field: Default: Style: O9B
Local: Field: Default: Align: Center

Local: Field: OTS SrNo: Set as: "No"
Local: Field: OTS Description:Set as:"Description"
Local: Field: OTS HSN Code: Set as:"Code"
Local: Field: OTS GST Per: Set as:"%"
Local: Field: OTS Qty: Set as:""
Local: Field: OTS Rate: Set as:""
Local: Field: OTS SGST Per: Set as:"%"
Local: Field: OTS SGST Amt: Set as:"Amt"
Local: Field: OTS CGST per: Set as:"%"
Local: Field: OTS CGST Amt: Set as:"Amt"
Local: Field: OTS IGST Per: Set as:"%"
Local: Field: OTS IGST Amt: Set as:"Amt"
Local: Field: OTS GrossAmt: Set as:"Amount"
Border: Thick Bottom

[Part:OTS Invoice Body]
Line: OTS Invoice Body
Repeat:OTS Invoice Body: Inventory Entries
Bottom Line: OTS Coloumn Total
Border: Thick Cover
Scroll: Vertical
Float: No
Common Border: Yes

[Line: OTS Invoice Body]
Field: OTS SrNo, OTS Description
Right Field: OTS HSN Code, OTS GST Per, OTS Qty, +

Local: Field: OTS SrNo: Width:2
Local: Field: OTS HSN Code: Width:6
Local: Field: OTS GST Per: Width: 3
Local: Field: OTS Qty: Width:7
Local: Field: OTS Rate: Width: 7
Local: Field: OTS SGST Per: Width:3
Local: Field: OTS SGST Amt: Width: 7
Local: Field: OTS CGST per: Width:3
Local: Field: OTS CGST Amt: Width:7
Local: Field: OTS IGST Per: Width:3
Local: Field: OTS IGST Amt: Width:7
Local: Field: OTS GrossAmt: Width: 7

Local: Field: OTS SrNo: Border: Thick Right
Local: Field: OTS HSN Code: Border: Thick Left
Local: Field: OTS GST Per: Border: Thick Left
Local: Field: OTS Qty: Border: Thick Left
Local: Field: OTS Rate: Border: Thick Left
Local: Field: OTS SGST Per: Border: Thick Left
Local: Field: OTS SGST Amt: Border: Thick Left
Local: Field: OTS CGST per: Border: Thick Left
Local: Field: OTS CGST Amt: Border: Thick Left
Local: Field: OTS IGST Per: Border: Thick Left
Local: Field: OTS IGST Amt: Border: Thick Left
Local: Field: OTS GrossAmt: Border: Thick Left
Space Top: 0.15

[Field:OTS SrNo]
Use: Simple Field
Set as: $$Line
Style: O9

[Field:OTS Description]
Use: Simple Field
Style: O9
Set as: if NOT $$IsSysName:$StockItemName then @@InvItemName else ""
Full Width: Yes
Line: 0

[Field:OTS HSN Code]
Use:  Simple Field
Set as:$GSTItemHSNCodeEx
Style: O9

[Field:OTS GST Per]
Use: Simple Field
Set as:If NOT $GSTIsTransLedEx Then "" Else $GSTClsfnIGSTRateEx

[Field:OTS Qty]
Use: Simple Field
Set as: $BilledQty

[Field:OTS Rate]
Use: Simple Field
Set as: $Rate

[Field:OTS SGST Per]
Use:  Number Field
Set as: If NOT $GSTIsTransLedEx Then "" Else $GSTClsfnIGSTRateEx /2
Style: O9
Invisible: If @@IGST > 0 then yes else no

[Field:OTS SGST Amt]
Use:Amount Field
Set as:$Amount * #OTSSGSTPer / 100
Style: O9
Invisible: If @@IGST > 0 then yes else no

[Field:OTS CGST per]
Use: Number Field
Set as: If NOT $GSTIsTransLedEx Then "" Else $GSTClsfnIGSTRateEx /2
Style: O9
Invisible: If @@IGST > 0 then yes else no

[Field:OTS CGST Amt]
Use: Amount Field
Set as:$Amount * #OTSCGSTper / 100
Style: O9
Invisible: If @@IGST > 0 then yes else no

[Field:OTS IGST Per]
Use: Number Field
Set as: If NOT $GSTIsTransLedEx Then "" Else $GSTClsfnIGSTRateEx
Style: O9
Invisible: If @@SGST > 0 then yes else no

[Field:OTS IGST Amt]
Use: Amount Field
Set as:$Amount * #OTSIGSTPer / 100
Style: O9
Invisible: If @@SGST > 0 then yes else no

[Field:OTS GrossAmt]
Use: Amount Field
Set as: $Amount

[Line:OTS Coloumn Total]
Use:OTS Invoice Body
Border: Thick Top Bottom

Local: Field: OTS SrNo: Set as: ""
Local: Field: OTS Description:Set as:"Total"
Local: Field: OTS HSN Code: Set as:""
Local: Field: OTS GST Per: Set as:""
Local: Field: OTS Qty: Set as:""
Local: Field: OTS Rate: Set as:""
Local: Field: OTS SGST Per: Set as:""
Local: Field: OTS SGST Per: Type: String
Local: Field: OTS SGST Amt: Set as:$$FilterAmtTotal:LedgerEntries:SGST1:$Amount
Local: Field: OTS CGST per: Set as:""
Local: Field: OTS CGST Per: Type: String
Local: Field: OTS CGST Amt: Set as:$$FilterAmtTotal:LedgerEntries:CGST1:$Amount
Local: Field: OTS IGST Per: Set as:""
Local: Field: OTS IGST Per: Type: String
Local: Field: OTS IGST Amt: Set as:$$FilterAmtTotal:LedgerEntries:IGST1:$Amount
Local: Field: OTS GrossAmt: Set as:$$CollAmtTotal:InventoryEntries:$Amount

[System: Formula]
SGST :$$FilterAmtTotal:LedgerEntries:SGST1:$Amount
SGST1 :$Name:Ledger:$LedgerName Contains $$LocaleString:"SGST"

CGST :$$FilterAmtTotal:LedgerEntries:CGST1:$Amount
CGST1 :$Name:Ledger:$LedgerName Contains $$LocaleString:"CGST"

IGST :$$FilterAmtTotal:LedgerEntries:IGST1:$Amount
IGST1 :$Name:Ledger:$LedgerName Contains $$LocaleString:"IGST"

Round :$$FilterAmtTotal:LedgerEntries:Round1:$Amount
Round1 :$Name:Ledger:$LedgerName Contains $$LocaleString:"Round"

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;OTS Bottom Part;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

[Part:OTS Bottom Part]
Part:OTS Bottom Part 1,VCH GST AnalysisDetails, OTS Bottom Part 2
Vertical: Yes

[Part:OTS Bottom Part 1]
Right Part: OTS Bottom Part 1 Right
Left Part: OTS Bottom Part 1 Left
Border: Thick Cover

[Part:OTS Bottom Part 1 Left]
Line: OTS Amount in Word

[Line: OTS Amount in Word]
Field: Medium Prompt, Name Field
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as: "Amount In Word"
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Style: O9
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: $$InWords:$Amount
Local: Field: Name Field: Style: O9B
Local: Field: Name Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Name Field: Line:0
Space Top: 0.5

[Part: OTS Bottom Part 1 Right]
Line: OTS Invoice Ledger Entries
Repeat: OTS Invoice Ledger Entries:LedgerEntries
Bottom Line: OTS Invoice Amount
Common Border: Yes
Border: Thick Left

[Line: OTS Invoice Ledger Entries]
Field: Name Field, Amount Field
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as:$LedgerName
Local: Field: Name Field: Style: O9
Local: Field: Name Field: Width:22.6
Local: Field: Name Field: Align: Right
Local: Field: Amount Field: Set as: $Amount
Local: Field: Amount Field: Style: O9B
Local: Field: Amount Field: Border: Thick Left
Local: Field: Amount Field: Width:7
Remove if: $LedgerName contains $PartyLedgerName
Space Top:0.25

[Line:OTS Invoice Amount]
Field: Name Field, Amount Field
Local:Field: Name Field: Set as: "INVOICE TOTAL"
Local:Field: Name Field: Style: Large Bold
Local:Field: Name Field: Width:22.6
Local:Field: Name Field: Align: Right
Local:Field: Amount Field: Set as: $Amount
Local:Field: Amount Field: Style: Large Bold
Local:Field: Amount Field: Width: 7
Border: Thick Top
Space Top: 0.5
Space Bottom: 0.5

[Part:OTS Bottom Part 2]
Right Part: OTS Signature
Left Part: OTS Terms and Conditions
Border: Thick Box

[Part:OTS Terms and Conditions]
Line: OTS0,OTS1, OTS2, OTS3

[Line: OTS0]
Field: Simple Field
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: "Terms and Conditions"
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style: O9B
Space Top: 0.25

[Line: OTS1]
Field: Simple Field
Local: Field:Simple Field: Set as:"1. Goods Once Sold will not be taken back."
Local: Field: Simple Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Simple Field: Line:0
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style: Tiny

[Line: OTS2]
Use: OTS1
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: "2. If Cheque Bounced, Rs 500/- will be taken as charges"

[Line: OTS3]
Use: OTS1
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: "3. Rs 100/- per day will charged for delayed payment after due date."

[Part:OTS Signature]
Line: OTS Signature,

[Line:OTS Signature]
Right Field: Simple Field
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: "For" +"  "+ @@CmpMailName
Space Top:3

Note:- This code is written for Print invoice in A4 portrait mode. You will need to do the required settings in your printer for better view. There might be some case were alignment might not come proper this is because of printer and you will need to write code for alignment.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Tally Password Recovery Free TDL File ( Customization)

Tally.ERP9 Data Password Recovery Free TDL file (Customization Code)

Here we'll learn to recover our Tally's Data password . Its many of time, tally user face to password forgot problem. In that case, we'll need to go who customizes the tally. for this,   Many of time, some tally users don't recover their tally's password because of extra recovery charges

Note:- This tools has being working till Tally version 4.93 after that Tally has encrypted the Normal password too and still there is no tool to de-crypt the Data password.

Please find the below code for Tally data password recovery.

[#Menu: Gatewayoftally]


Height:40% page
Width:40% page

Repeat:User_Details:CmpUser List

Space Bottom:2

Use:Name Field
Set as: "USER NAME "

Use:Name Field
Set as:"PASSWORD "


Use:Name Field
Set as:$OwnerName:Company:##SVCurrentCompany
Align: Center

Use:Name Field
Set as:$OwnerPassword:Company:##SVCurrentCompany


Use:Name Field
Set as:$Name

Use:Name Field
Set as:$password

[#Collection:Cmp User list]
Is ODBC Table:Yes

Note:-- Take a Backup of you data before following. No one will be responsible in case of Data loss.

Step 1. Copy the Above code and past it to notepad and save it.

Step 2. Attach the code to Tally. If you don't know please follow the link.

Step 3. If you are not in a position to open the company of which you forgot password using other username and password. Create a new company and do not close the new company because if you close you will not be able to recover password.

If you can open the same company with other username password. Do not follow below step and just go the new option to view password.

Step 4. Copy 2 files CmpSave.900 and Company.900 from the data folder of  the company whose password you want to recover and paste it in new company data folder. It will ask you to replace file prompt. click yes.

Step 5 Now go back to tally where the new company is still open and go to the new option on gateway of tally to view the password.

Disclamer:- This is just for educational purpose and for personal use. Do use it for data leakage purpose. If used we are not responsible for this.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Free Tally TDL to make PAN Card Field Compulsory (PAN Card Validation)

PAN is important especially for financial transactions. According to experts, PAN is a way for Income Tax Department to keep tabs on your financial dealing.

And as we know in Tally.ERP 9 capture PAN card details during ledger creation in Tally most of us skips the same. So to stop this below is a small free Tally TDL code which will make entering PAN card details mandatory in Tally. ERP 9 during Ledger Creation.

[#Field: LED ITNo]
    Validate    :$$StringLength:$$Value = 10

To attach this code in your Tally.ERP9 software please follow step from below url

Download Free Tally.ERP9 software  (Educational version)

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

1. Microsoft excel Shortcuts

Sr No





Switches between worksheet tabs, from left-to-right.



Switches between worksheet tabs, from right-to-left.



Unhides any hidden rows within the selection.



Unhides any hidden columns within the selection.



Applies the outline border to the selected cells.



Removes the outline border from the selected cells.



Applies the General number format.



Applies the Currency format with two decimal places (negative numbers in parentheses).



Applies the Percentage format with no decimal places.



Applies the Exponential number format with two decimal places.



Applies the Date format with the day, month, and year.



Applies the Time format with the hour and minute, and AM or PM.



Applies the Number format with two decimal places, thousands separator, and minus sign (-) for negative values.



Selects the current region around the active cell (the data area enclosed by blank rows and blank columns).  In a PivotTable, it selects the entire PivotTable report.



Enters the current time.



Copies the value from the cell above the active cell into the cell or the Formula Bar.



Displays the Insert dialog box to insert blank cells.


CTRL+Minus (-)

Displays the Delete dialog box to delete the selected cells.



 Enters the current date.



Alternates between displaying cell values and displaying formulas in the worksheet. 



Copies a formula from the cell above the active cell into the cell or the Formula Bar.



Displays the Format Cells dialog box. 



Applies or removes bold formatting. 



Applies or removes italic formatting. 



Applies or removes underlining. 



Applies or removes strikethrough. 



Alternates between hiding objects, displaying objects, and displaying placeholders for objects. 



Displays or hides the outline symbols. 



Hides the selected rows. 



Hides the selected columns. 



Selects the entire worksheet.  If the worksheet contains data, CTRL+A selects the current region. Pressing CTRL+A a second time selects the current region and its summary rows. Pressing CTRL+A a third time selects the entire worksheet.  When the insertion point is to the right of a function name in a formula, displays the Function Arguments dialog box.  CTRL+SHIFT+A inserts the argument names and parentheses when the insertion point is to the right of a function name in a formula. 



Applies or removes bold formatting. 



Copies the selected cells.  CTRL+C followed by another CTRL+C displays the Clipboard. 



Uses the Fill Down command to copy the contents and format of the topmost cell of a selected range into the cells below. 



Displays the Find and Replace dialog box, with the Find tab selected.  SHIFT+F5 also displays this tab, while SHIFT+F4 repeats the last Find action.  CTRL+SHIFT+F opens the Format Cells dialog box with the Font tab selected. 



Displays the Go To dialog box.  F5 also displays this dialog box. 



Displays the Find and Replace dialog box, with the Replace tab selected. 



Applies or removes italic formatting. 



Displays the Insert Hyperlink dialog box for new hyperlinks or the Edit Hyperlink dialog box for selected existing hyperlinks. 



Creates a new, blank workbook. 



Displays the Open dialog box to open or find a file.  CTRL+SHIFT+O selects all cells that contain comments. 



Displays the Print dialog box.  CTRL+SHIFT+P opens the Format Cells dialog box with the Font tab selected. 



Uses the Fill Right command to copy the contents and format of the leftmost cell of a selected range into the cells to the right. 



Saves the active file with its current file name, location, and file format. 



Displays the Create Table dialog box. 



Applies or removes underlining.  CTRL+SHIFT+U switches between expanding and collapsing of the formula bar. 



Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the insertion point and replaces any selection. Available only after you have cut or copied an object, text, or cell contents.  CTRL+ALT+V displays the Paste Special dialog box. Available only after you have cut or copied an object, text, or cell contents on a worksheet or in another program. 



Closes the selected workbook window. 



Cuts the selected cells. 



Repeats the last command or action, if possible. 



Uses the Undo command to reverse the last command or to delete the last entry that you typed.  CTRL+SHIFT+Z uses the Undo or Redo command to reverse or restore the last automatic correction when AutoCorrect Smart Tags are displayed.