View HSN code and GST Percentage of Stock Item During Voucher Entry.
Lot of need know during voucher entry weather the HSN code and GST percentage of Stock Item is entered/updated properly or not. Below code will show you the HSN code and GST percentage of select Stock Item during Voucher entry.
To Attach the code to you Tally Software please follow the instructions in the link below.
You will need to copy and paste the below code and copy and paste it into your txt/tdl file using notepad/word pad.
[#Line : EI Column One]
Add : Right Field: At Beginning:OTSHSNCode
Add:Right Field: After:OTSHSNCode:OTSGSTPerT
Use:Name Field
Set as: "GST %"
Skip: Yes
Border:Thick Left Right
Align: Center
Use:Name Field
Set as: "HSN Code"
Skip: Yes
Border:Thick Left Right
Align: Center
[#Line : EI Inv Info]
Add: Right Field:At Beginning:OTSHSNCodeNo
Add: Right Field: After: OTSHSNCodeNo: OTSGSTPer
Use: Name Field
Set as:$(Stockitem,$stockitem).GstDetails[Last].hsncode
Align: Center
Set Always: Yes
Skip: Yes
Use: Number Field
Set as:$(Stockitem,$stockitem).GSTDetails[First].StatewiseDetails[1, @@IsAnyState].RateDetails[1, @@IsIGST].GSTRate
Format: Percentage
Align: Center
Set Always: Yes
Skip: Yes